North Cardiff Trails are a group of local mountain bikers established in 2022. We’re keen to help maintain the wild trails in our area and have a positive impact on our local community. We all enjoy the trails in our local area, we think they’re awesome and we want them to stay that way. We also recognise the need to take responsibility, to work in collaboration with local landowners and environmental organisations to secure the sustainability of the trails. We believe that by working together and raising awareness, it’s possible to make the trails more enjoyable whilst improving our effect on the environment and the safety of all users of the trail areas.

Manon – Ambassador
“I’ve ridden these trails for over 15 years, helping me to become Mountain Bike World Champion in 2014. We have an amazing opportunity and resource here, let’s look after North Cardiff Trails!“

Our founding members, Manon, Max, Nick, Luke and James have teamed up with a group of volunteers keen to make a difference. If you are involved in any of the trails in the North Cardiff area and would like to know more, sign up for our newsletter.